Why is being a Montessori teacher an excellent career choice?

Choosing a career path is undoubtedly one of the most important decisions we make in our lives. Priorities can vary greatly from one individual to the next. Some consider personal fulfillment to be the most vital issue when choosing a career. Job demand and/or advancement opportunities are also significant factors. Then of course, there is the undeniable importance of salary.
If you have found your way here , chances are you may be considering a career as a certified Montessori teacher. Here are five reasons why being a Montessori early education teacher is an excellent career choice.

1.) Being a Montessori teacher can be highly fulfilling and rewarding.
Montessori teachers are usually creative, compassionate, patient people who are dedicated to improving the lives of the children they work with and, thereby contribute richly to their communities. The calm, peaceful nature of the prepared Montessori classroom creates a feeling of wellbeing you won’t often find in traditional preschool environments. Also, Montessori training involves a certain level of inner work and reflection. Therefore, “Montessorians” tend to be people who achieve uncommon levels of personal growth.

2.) You won’t have a hard time finding employment.
According to the Survey, the demand for trained Montessori teachers far outweighs the supply. There are thousands of private and public Montessori schools in the Bangalore alone, and every year positions go unfilled for lack of qualified people to fill them. Some schools will even sponsor your training in order to recruit quality candidates.

3.) You will earn more as a certified Montessori teacher.
According to the Survey annual salary for a preschool teacher in India starts at Rs18,000 and tops out at about Rs40,000. By comparison, a certified Montessori preschool teacher with no experience can expect a starting salary of Rs21,000-Rs24,000 and a peak salary of up to Rs50,000

4.) You will have ample opportunity for career advancement.
To quote, “Opportunities for advancement include promotion to head teacher (a classroom teacher who functions as curriculum director), educational consulting, and teacher training. A person choosing a career as a Montessori administrator, principal, or headmaster .You could also consider opening your own Montessori school in your neighborhood or community.

5.) You can earn your Montessori Early Education Teacher Certification regardless of where you live.* Nowadays, authentic Montessori teacher education certification courses are offered on-line. Sam’s Montessori offers one of the few distance-education* certification courses accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education

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